Our Vision
“Unite and assist alumni and friends of Lake Worth High School to provide grants and scholarships for the general benefit of the school and its students”

Our Mission
What We Do …. The Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Our projects involve assisting all alumni with their reunions, maintaining a current data base with alumni names and addresses, staffing the alumni office part-time, offering tours of the school, producing two alumni newsletters yearly, and maintaining the Alumni Foundation web site.
The Alumni Foundation aids Lake Worth High School financially and are the partners and funding arm for Dollars for Scholars. We provide financial assistance to Dollars for Scholars so that more scholarship money can be given to needy students. Board members and officers volunteer their time to the Alumni Foundation.
Financing these many projects comes through Alumni Foundation membership drives, fundraising dinners, the sale of monogrammed bricks, T-Shirts and yearbooks, and other efforts. Many people donate funds, and a number of classes have made donations from excess reunion monies.
We urge all Lake Worth High School Alumni and friends to become members of the Alumni Foundation as we must have continued funding to maintain our many projects and administrative obligations. We also encourage volunteer assistance, and ask that anyone interested in becoming involved in the Foundation contact us. Applications for Alumni Foundation membership are available on this web site.
Let’s all support our Trojans!
Foundation Officers
- President: Ann Carter
- Vice President: Open
- Secretary: Maggie Shamo Witherow
- Corresponding Secretary: Roberta Stephens
- Treasurer: Robert Busch
Past Presidents
• Virginia Thomas
• Roberta Stephens
Board Members
• Caryl Anderson
• Bobie-Sue Bressmer
• Jose Delgado
• Doris Dorsey
• Wilneeda Emmanuel
• Dr. Annette Grimes Gilbert
• Harold Gilmore
• Rick Harlowe
• Lady Hereford
• Jessica Latour
• Karen Mostler
• Roberta Stephens
• Vincent Taormina
• Elena Villani
• Doris Welsh
• Maggie Witherow
• John Adair, Emeritus
• David Cantley, Emeritus
• Virginia Thomas, Emeritus
• Dr. Helen L. Gilmore, Emeritus
Student Representatives